華爾街日報 12 日報導,習近平訪美時曾說,中國不會把南海的人造島礁「軍事化」。習近平此承諾當時曾使美國官員驚奇。美國現在就要試試,習近平是不是說話算話。個人在 8 日與 12 日已在此報導兩次,10 天內見分曉。
個人 8 日文網址:
下為 12 日華爾街日報新聞的第一段:
【 U.S. Patrols to Test China’s Pledge on South China Sea Islands
‘A matter of time’ when operations will start despite Xi Jinping’s surprise commitment in Washington】
〔 Wall Street Journal By JEREMY PAGE Updated Oct. 12, 2015 1:12 a.m. ET 〕
WASHINGTON—The U.S. determination to challenge China with patrols near Chinese-built islands in the South China Sea will test Xi Jinping’s recent pledge that Beijing doesn’t intend to “militarize” the islands, an announcement that took U.S. officials by surprise.