陳哲 CLM 陳立民 Chen Lih Ming
上方為 路透社(Reuters) 照片報導 626 大遊行新聞所採用的三張照片之一。路透社的新聞標題為“Thousands protest in Taiwan against China trade deal”. 該照片的文字說明為“Protesters carry a placard during a protest against the economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA), a free trade style deal to be signed betweenChina and Taiwan , in Taipei June 26, 2010. Credit: REUTERS/Nicky Loh”. 陳哲創作的標語「拒統. Refuse Chinese Rule」成為代表民進黨 626「反一中市場 人民公投作主」大遊行代表照片。照片中是陳哲的「拒統運動」大隊。此外,照片中還可見「拒統 vs. 統. Oppose Unification. Oppose Annexation.」、「拒統. Oppose Unification. 台灣沒有『藍 vs. 綠』,只有『拒統 vs. 統』」、「國民黨在急統, 我要拒統。淺藍不願面對的真相-國民黨在急統」。此照片在網上搜尋新聞標題“Thousands protest in Taiwan against China trade deal”, 照片網址之一為 http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65P14C20100626
上方為 路透社(Reuters) 照片報導 626 大遊行新聞所採用的三張照片之一。路透社的新聞標題為“Thousands protest in Taiwan against China trade deal”. 該照片的文字說明為“Protesters carry a placard during a protest against the economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA), a free trade style deal to be signed between
Thousands protest in Taiwan against China trade deal
By Ralph Jennings
By Ralph Jennings
Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:57am EDT
(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Taiwanese decried a landmark trade deal with rival China in a protest on Saturday that will not stop their government from signing the agreement to boost around $100 million in annual two-way trade.
Braving thunderstorms and rain, the demonstrators lambasted Taiwan's pro-China President Ma Ying-jeou, whom they pledged to vote out of office if he sticks by the deal, set to be signed on Tuesday.
Presidential spokesman Lo Chih-chiang scoffed at the protest, saying the strongest tie-up ever between the political foes of 60 years did not mean Taiwan was selling out to China.
"They don't dare to oppose ECFA," Lo said, referring to the economic cooperation framework agreement with China. "Their opposition is to a one-China market... A one-China market would be like a European Union, but we don't have that with China."
The crowds that converged on Ma's office included opposition leaders raising their profile ahead of an expected parliamentary challenge next month to ECFA, which may delay the implementation of the deal.
The protest was organized by the anti-China opposition Democratic Progressive Party, whose leaders hope to position the ECFA as a key issue in November 27 local elections seen as a bellwether for the 2012 presidential race, analysts say.
"Ma Ying-jeou won't listen, but he'll lose in the elections," said demonstrator Chen Chih-wu, 48, a self-employed merchant, as air horns blasted through the packed streets. "I came out to remind him how arrogant he is."
The deal, full of sweeteners for Taiwan with less in return for China, has been described as Beijing's gambit to charm Taiwan as an economic benefactor, part of its long-term goal of reunifying with the island over which it claims sovereignty.
Dilution of the trade pact, which includes import tariff cuts on about 800 items, would cool Taiwan's $390 billion export-led economy. The government is pushing the deal, fearing Taipei will lose out to rivals in the booming Chinese market.
But some protesters said the ECFA will hurt small businesses by letting in cheaper Chinese goods, and put Beijing a step closer to a reunifying politically with self-ruled Taiwan.
"Ma Ying-jeou is depending too much on mainland China for everything, but Taiwan is Taiwan and China is China," said protester and Taipei retiree Lu Chun-tsun, 78. "If this were Japan he would have stepped down by now."
The Democratic Progressive Party said 100,000 people took part in the protest, but the police said, at its peak, the protest included 32,000 people, with the numbers falling as thunderstorms crackled in the skies above Taipei.
The ECFA will be signed on June 29 in Chongqing, once briefly the capital of China under the rule of the Nationalists, who are now Taiwan's ruling party after losing the civil war to Mao Zedong's Communists in 1949 and retreating to the island.
(Additional reporting by Jonathan Standing)
(Editing by Miral Fahmy)
陳立民 (陳哲)
上方照片為陳哲率領的「拒統陣線」大隊參加 2010/06/26 民進黨舉辦反 ECFA「反一中市場 人民公投作主」大遊行時場景。此為 法新社(AFP) 拍攝發表的照片,照片文章標題為 “Thousands rally in Taiwan against China trade pact”.此照片中可見拒統運動系列的「拒統. Refuse Chinese Rule」、「拒統 vs. 統. Oppose Unification. Oppose Annexation.」、「拒統. Oppose Unification. 台灣沒有『藍 vs. 綠』,只有『拒統 vs.統』」、「國民黨在急統, 我要拒統。淺藍不願面對的真相-國民黨在急統」、「拒統. 拒馬統」、「拒統. 反併吞」、「以拒統打選戰, 促成板塊移動」,公投系列的「馬在投共 我要公投」、「公投檢驗民主真偽」,與另一系列「權利被剝奪」。法新社此照片獲許多媒體此用,如英國的 經濟學人 (The Economist) 網址 http://www.economist.com/node/16485487?story_id=16485487&fsrc=rss, 印度時報 (Indiatimes) 網址 http://www.haveeru.com.mv/english/details/31198/Thousands_rally_in_Taiwan_against_China_trade_pact 或 http://www.haveeru.com.mv/english/details/31198, http://www.my-formosa.com/?FID=25&CID=6037&category=18等。與缺圖片的 Shangai Express http://shangaiexpress.blogspot.com/2010/07/china-taiwan-trade-agreement-economist.html, http://www.eiu.com/index.asp?layout=VWArticleVW3&article_id=1697244754®ion_id=1510000351&country_id=1630000163&channel_id=210004021&category_id=500004050&refm=vwCat&page_title=Article&rf=0
上方照片亦為發表於 Jul 3rd 2010 英國 經濟學人 (The Economist) 第 39 頁一篇文章的附圖,該文標題為 “China and Taiwan. The ties that bind? Worries in Taiwan that economic interdependence will succeed for China where sabre-rattling failed”. 這是陳哲率領的「拒統陣線」大隊 2010/06/26 參加 民進黨舉辦反 ECFA「反一中市場 人民公投作主」大遊行時場景。這是 法新社 (AFP) 拍攝發表的照片,獲得「經濟學人」(The Economist) 採用。「經濟學人」這篇文章開頭為 “Chanting opposition to unification with China, tens of thousands of protesters massed on June 26th outside the office in Taipei of Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou of the Nationalist party, or Kuomintang (KMT). Their target was the Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement (ECFA), one of the most significant agreements between China and Taiwan since 1949, when the Communists routed the KMT in the civil war.” 此雜誌該頁圖片見 http://issuu.com/38902/docs/the_economist_2010-07-03
推薦一個相當不錯的新聞網站 “Issuu”, “Issuu is one of the best 50 Websites 2009”. 在其網頁 http://issuu.com/38902/docs/the_economist_2010-07-03 的第 39 page可見 2010/07/03 出版的 「經濟學人」(The Economist) 刊登陳哲 2010/06/26 民進黨主辦反 ECFA 「反一中市場 人民公投作主」大遊行時陳哲帶領的「拒統陣線」照片。
上圖為中國的译言网在翻譯經濟學人此文時,將照片打叉畫面。該文為 daiwq 翻譯,譯文標題為「[经济学人] 海峡两岸-紧密相连?台北担忧 开展武力威胁失败的大陆 会在经济的依赖性方面取得成功。」此一文與打叉照片可在網上搜尋「海峽兩岸 – 緊密相連?」,或到網址 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/136907/116340 與 http://space.yeeyan.org/u/136907&page=5
20170107 搜尋「陳立民」圖片時,本發文排名第三,照片是上方第一張。